WTO release the first Global Antibiotics Resistant Report


On May 5th, 2014, a new report released by WTO makes us examine global antibiotics resistant for the first time, which indicates that the severe threat of antibiotics resistant is no longer a forecast for the future, it is happening all around the world, and it has the potential to affect everyone no matter what age or nationality. When mutation happens to bacteria, antibiotic is no longer effective to people who need it for treatment, that is called antibiotic resistant, which has formed a great threat to public health.


Global efforts were made for dealing with drug resistant

It is reported that in aspect of vital tools, such as basic system of tracking and monitoring problems, there is a gap between countries or lots of them don’t even posse these tools. Some countries have taken key steps to deal with the problems, however every country and individual have to make more efforts.


How to cope with drug resistant?

It can help people to cope with drug resistant in the below aspects.

To use antibiotics only when the doctor makes a prescription.

To use all of the drug in prescription even if patient feels better.

Never to share antibiotics with others or use the prescription drug remaining before.


It can help a health worker or pharmacist in the below aspect.

To strengthen prevention and controlling of infections.

To make and distribute antibiotics only when it is needed.

The antibiotics prescribed and distributed should applicable for the disease treatment.


It can help the decision maker to cope with drug resistant in the below aspects.

To enhance the abilities of drug resistant monitoring and laboratories.

To regulate and promote the appropriate use of drugs.


It can help the decision maker and pharmaceutical industry in the below aspects.

To promote innovation and R & D of new tools.

To promote information sharing among stakeholders.


In the report, there is also information about how to cure infectious drug-resistant such as AIDS virus, helopyra, tuberculosis and flue, and it provides the most overall information that data comes from 114 countries about drug-resistant so far.