ProteLight Pharma was named the “Potential Unicorn Enterprise of Sunan National Innovation Park” 2019-11-18
On Nov. 4th, 2019, sponsored by the government of Jiangsu province, “the 7th Jiangsu Cooperation Conference between Industry and Research” was held in Nanjing. Over 400 experts from 150 universities and more than 2500 enterprises participated in this conference. During the conference, they released the list of Unicorn Enterprise and Gazelle Business in Sunan National Innovation Park. Jiangsu ProteLight was honored as “the Potential Unicorn Enterprise in Sunan National Innovation Park”, and was the only biomedical enterprise in Wuxi to receive such honor. Jiangsu’s new economy shows clear indications of large-scale and strong technology-driven expansion moving into the future. Unicorn enterprises are an important engine of prompting Jiangsu’s new economy, as a beacon representing the transformation of technological advancement into market applications.